Auto Information
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The General Liability Insurance Policy provides state employees with auto liability coverage (bodily injury and/or property damage to others) while driving state-owned vehicles or while driving personally owned or rental vehicles on official state business. The automobile physical damage policy provides coverage for damage to state-owned vehicles only. Damage to rental vehicles driven on official state business is covered under the state rental car contract. Damage to personally owned vehicles driven on official state business is not covered by the state auto physical damage policy. Employees are encouraged to check with their personal insurance company to verify whether their personal automobile insurance policy covers damage to their personally owned vehicle while operating on official state business.

Auto Insurance Cards - The Georgia Liability Insurance Identification Card FY2025 should be placed in each state vehicle and presented as insurance verification. Employees who use personal vehicles while engaging in official state business should also keep a card in their vehicle in case of an accident.

Auto Liability Insurance - Automobile Liability Insurance coverage protects the employees of the University of Georgia for negligent acts while operating a vehicle in the course and scope of employment or as part of a structured volunteer program on state business, subject to the provisions contained in the State Tort Claims Policy.

Auto Physical Damage Insurance - The Auto Physical Damage Insurance provides collision and comprehensive coverage for vehicles owned by the University of Georgia.

Auto Liability Driving Do's and Don'ts


Auto Rental - Loss Damage Waiver/Collision Waiver (LDW/CDW) insurance is included in the statewide rental car contract(s) at no additional cost. View State of Georgia travel regulations for rental cars. When traveling to destinations outside the continental U.S. (OCONUS) with the exception of Canada, the State Risk Management Department recommends that travelers accept collision insurance. If an employee rents outside of the statewide contract when the contract provider is not available, then they should purchase the additional coverage that addresses loss or damage to the rental unit.

Automobile Safety Information

All accidents that occurred while in the course  and scope of employment or as part of a structured volunteer program must be reported to DOAS by calling 1-877-656-7475 within 48 hours.

Individuals participating in a structured volunteer program have liability coverage under State Tort Claims Policy.